Reminders & Upcoming Events

Upcoming dates:

  • November 1 at 6:00 PM — Parent Advisory Meeting. Come and join us!
  • November 7 — Daylight Savings Time
  • November 10 — Book Orders Due
  • November 24-26 — PRESCHOOL CLOSED /  NO ADVENTURE CAMP — Happy Thanksgiving!
  • December 3 — Last day for Village Inn Pie sales

And a few things to keep in mind this month…

  • As the weather becomes cooler, please remember to send a jacket for outside play
  • Children need to be signed in and out each day
  • You can sign up to bring snacks!
  • Visitors are always welcome!
  • We are still looking for Parent Testimonials to use for our website. Send your comments about the school to us using our contact form!