October Greetings!

Wow!! What a great turnout we had at our Art Fair!!  The children were so proud to show off their Art, I had a marvelous time and hope those of you that attended enjoyed yourselves as well. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for photos! (facebook.com/WPSLincoln).

We have quite a busy month planned so please be sure to check the Calendar of Events List on the second page of the Newsletter.

The staff has been busy gathering information about each child and their progress in preschool/prekindergarten; don’t forget to get signed up for conferences, this is a valuable opportunity to hear how your child is doing in preschool or prekindergarten.  We will ask for your family goals for learning and share what we see in the classroom.

If you would like to help provide meals for the staff during conferences, there is a sign-up sheet posted in our entryway.

All children will have their pictures taken on picture day, (October 9 and 10) proofs will be sent home along with an order form so you can decide if you like the pictures before buying them.

We are partnering with Westminster Presbyterian to host a SPOOK-TACULAR event on Sunday October 28 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.. There will be games, bounce house,  contest for the best decorated trunk, and a TRUNK-or-TREAT.  If you or someone you know would like to host a trunk, please let me know.  The idea is to decorate your trunk, wear a costume and pass out treats from your vehicle.  We expect about 100-150 children to attend.  This event will be free and open to the public.

Upcoming Themes:



In the Fall




Friends and Family




My Community



We have finished an important phase of our computer lab update.  We purchased 10 new computers and are now fully operational, next up, purchasing software!!


The construction on the playground (the addition of a patio area which will include the art easel and a music station should be completed in the next couple of weeks and shouldn’t interfere with our outside time. I can’t wait to see the children use the new equipment!   Suzanne Schneider